вівторок, 7 листопада 2017 р.

How to create a podcast?

A podcast is an audio show, usually spread across a series of episodes, which can be downloaded from the Internet and listened to either on a computer or an Mp3 player.
Anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can make and freely distribute podcasts, making it a bracingly democratic and vibrant medium. In the early days of podcasting, it was largely an amateur concern – the Internet’s answer to CB radio – but in the last few years dozens of major broadcasters, magazines and news organisations have rolled out large-scale podcast operations of their own.
Go to this link where you will find all necessary information about creating a podcast→ → → https://www.buzzsprout.com/how-to-make-a-podcast

Get Spreaker Free Account - http://podcastfast.com/spreaker/

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